Trademark Renewal

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What is Trademark Renewal?

Trademark registration is granted for a specific period and requires renewal upon expiration. It has perpetual protection however, in order to protect the trademark permanently, the trademark owner is required to renew the mark every 10 years. Renewal of trademark can be done under Section 25(2) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999, it is obligatory on the Registrar of trademarks to renew the registration for a period of 10 years from the date of expiration of the original registration.

Procedure For Trademark Renewal In India

The owner of the trademark is required to file an application for Trademark Renewal by Trademark Attorney/Lawyer.

Renewal of trademark can be done by making relevant payment to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks.

Affordable Packages


+ Tax

Includes drafting and filing of trademark renewal application with the trademark registry.


Affordable Packages


₹ 11,000

+ Tax

Includes drafting and filing of trademark renewal application with the trademark registry.

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