Section 8 Company

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Section 8 company is a non-profit organization which can be registered as a trust, society or NGO under Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013. It has more credibility over Societies registered as NGO under the Society Registration Act, 1860 as well as Trust registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882. The license to Section 8 company is issued by the regional ROC under the norms provided under Companies Act, 2013.The purpose of registration of such Company is to promote Art, Science, literature Commerce, Technology, Sports, Education, Social Research, Social Welfare, Religion, Charity and Protection of Environment for charity purpose.

Advantages of Section 8 Company

Separate Legal Entity | Tax Benefit | No Minimum Capital |More Credibility

Affordable Packages


all inclusive

Includes free trademark search and artistic Logo designing  under one class for proprietorship firm and MSME


Affordable Packages


₹ 8600

all inclusive

Includes free trademark search and artistic Logo designing  under one class for proprietorship firm and MSME

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